-- Press Release --
Introducing Maudy Fowler
Maudy Fowler is a Mystic who assists people through messages from angels, which she calls ‘angel whispers’, to aid those left behind here on earth. She is able ‘to turn their luggage into a backpack!’
Presently, she is embracing several media outlets to reach out to the masses. As a hardship reliever, Maudy is a guiding light of hope in these troubled times.
With her co-author, Gail Hunt, they have published three books in Europe, and two in the United States. They are Award Winning International authors. In addition to their very successful book: Angel Whispers - they have two additonal books being published in September 2016: Angel Messages From Heaven by Llewellyn, and Inspiratie Van De Engelen by Uitgeverij Hajefa in Holland. Maudy and Gail give presentations and seminars, based upon their books, throughout the USA and Europe.
Also, they won, in Europe, a prestigious award for: "The Best Inspirational/International Book of 2008" for their book Heavenly Messages over fellow nominees; Dr. Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra.
Maudy goes above and beyond assisting people with her wisdom and new philosophy. When facing challenges, let your faith be stronger than your fear! She explains that life is to 'face it and embrace it!'
She is different from psychics and mediums because:
Receives ‘angel whispers' in foreign languages: She was born and raised in The Netherlands, and speaks Dutch. However, she is able to receive messages in different languages such as: Vietnamese, Mandarin, Spanish, German, Farsi, Hebrew, Finnish or whatever language the message is received in.
Heavenly Search Engine: She has the ‘white pages and yellow pages’...she assists people who need to locate a new house, a new job or can even do a ‘Heavenly background check’ for relationships when asked!
Medication Alert: Through ‘angel whispers’ delivered to Maudy, she can tell if a person’s medication is interacting with another of their meds. She is able to give the actual name of the medication! Then, she advises the person to seek a Medical Review.
Interprets Dreams: She can explain exactly what a dream means, and how the universe is trying to get a clear message to them. Dreams can be direct communication from the universe/Heaven to assist the person here on earth.
Heavenly ‘Life Signs' Communication to us: She offers ‘life guiding signs’ that the universe/Heaven wants to show us and are messages from our loved ones who passed - because many times we simply miss it! It's a comfort to know that we are never alone!
Contact Info: Maudy and Gail, PO Box 690612, Charlotte, NC 28227
Website: www.Maudy.com
Email: MaudyandGail@aol.com