Media and Events

For Zoom event information you can contact Gail at

You can also contact Kelly Padilla via Maudy and Gail Official Page on Facebook

Hi to all of you, wishing you a blessed, safe, and peaceful 2021!
From my heart to yours, thank you all nationwide and worldwide for allowing me to navigate you through our new Zoom journey. It's a joy and pleasure to assist many people joining from different countries! A big thank you to Gail and Kelly for making this possible! Thank you to you all who are setting up the Zoom events to let me guide your family and friends in this intense time! Our prayers go out to the healthcare workers and first responders and those left behind. Also thank you to Dr. Arlene Dijamco for letting me visit on YouTube for "A Moment with Maudy" embracing the people at home to bring peace, hope and comfort. Again you're welcome to join or book your Zoom event with Gail or Kelly and we're looking forward to seeing you. You can also follow us on Instagram at maudy.fowler and Gail at gailhunt131
Please stay safe and may God bless you.


We have a few updates to share. January 23rd, 2020 I was back for a guest appearance and visited the talkshow Sister Circle in Atlanta. Then the pandamic hit and things shifted and we were blessed to continue our presentations through Zoom where we could reach many people nationwide and globaly providing peace, hope and comfort. Our first Zoom presentation started July 16, 2020 then it took off from there. In September I was invited to be a guest on YouTube with Dr. Arlene Dijamco for "A Moment with Maudy". We exchange thoughts with powerful topics. You're welcome to join us.

Also awesome news to share! Gail and I have written a poetry book entitled "Angel Love from Above". This was published June 1, 2020 and is available by contacting Gail.


Here's our 2019 update and what transpired in our outreach journey. May 28, 2019, the TV talkshow Sister Circle (@sistercircletv) in Atlanta invited me back for a visit. I had a nice interview with Syleena Johnson and Trina Braxton. We discussed how to handle loss of loved ones and how to handle going through mourning and grieving. You can experience this segment when you go to @sistercircletv Self Empowerment with Mystic Maudy Fowler.

We thank our good friend Lynn, who recorded an opening segment at a presentation. The theme was "Your Life's Purpose". You can watch this when you click on this link: YouTube clip. My friend and producer Carrie @producerc has produced Messages From Beyond. A link to the reel/trailer is at Messages From Beyond trailer. Please select either Open or Save at the linked site.

When you type in Maudy Fowler Mystic on YouTube, there are videos shared as well. You can also check out my Instagram maudy.fowler

Every month, there is a Inspirational Message posted on our Maudy Fowler and Gail Hunt's Official Page on Facebook. We thank Kelly Padilla for making this possible. Check it out feel free to sign up and I look forward to reading your message! Thank you also for your continued interest in our books Angel Whispers and Angel Messages, we're so happy it helped you give peace of mind.


We are very happy with the news that last year in 2018 our book Angel Messages was translated in Spanish! The spanish title is Siempre Contigo, Mensajes de tu ángel. We thank publishing company Grupo Editorial Tomo from Mexico for making this possible. Gail and I are very happy to reach our friends in many spanish speaking countries. You can purchase our book Siempre Contigo via Amazon. We'll be happy to sign it when you are able to come to our presentations.

Gail and I had another great visit with the ladies on the TVONE talkshow Sister Circle Wednesday May 30th, 2018.
We were interviewed by Syleena Johnson and Quad Webb. The very nice, two-time Olympic gold medalist and WNBA star Angel McCoughtry was their guest for the encounter.
It was an awesome show! Again a big thanks to all of you at Sister Circle for your warm welcome!
We will soon post the link from this episode! Also, we will let you know the date for our next visit. Our theme will be "Living with Expectations is to live with Disappointments!" It's going to be interesting!

On Wednesday April 25th, 2018 we were on the television talkshow Sister Circle on TVOne, It was so exciting! The theme was "Turn your luggage into a backpack."
We thank Sister Circle for the opportunity to reach more hearts! You can check out the link from episode 153 Also check out Sister Circle's on Facebook, the after the show taping from Rashan Ali was posted where Rashan acknowledged and confirmed our conversation.

Please post your comments, we look forward to reading them!

Please join our Maudy Fowler and Gail Hunt Official Page Facebook. I hope you will enjoy reading the monthly Inspirational thoughts. Our thanks to Kelly for posting this. We do read your messages and thank you all for your interest and allowing me to guide and give light.


Let me share with you all the good and awesome things that happened in 2017!
We had an exciting event on November 9, 2017 It was so cool to be invited for a radio interview on KISS 95.1 on The Maney, Roy and Lauren Show! It was an awesome show with awesome people! Gail and I so enjoyed the team, we had a great time. Thank you Nicole for making this possible and thank you Maney, Roy and Lauren.

2017 was a blessed year for our books Angel Whispers and Angel Messages, let me tell you what happened!

Our books Angel Whispers and Angel Messages was already out in New Zealand, Australia, UK, and Canada but has now also been accepted in the following countries.

In April of 2017 Turkey bought the rights from our book Angel Whispers and was it translated into Turkish as Melek.

Also In March of 2017 Poland bought the rights for both of our books! Angel Whispers was translated into Polish as Anielskie Szepty and Angel Messages as Anielskie Przeslania.

In February of 2017 Gail and I were excited to hear that a publisher in French Quebec, Canada showed interest in our book Angel Whispers and this was translated as Murmures des Anges.

We thank the Turkish, Polish, and French Canadian publishing companies for making it possible to share our books with all the readers. We thank the readers to allow us to help you move on and empower you! We've received many emails not only from these countries but many other countries.

2016 was a great year!

Our new book Angel Messages was released November 2016!
This is a follow up to our successful book Angel Whispers.

Angel Messages will empower you, share laughter moments and give you comfort and peace.

Thank you all for your interest in Angel Whispers and Angel Messages, we are so happy it helped you move on!

Also our current book Angel Whispers was translated in Dutch and published in The Netherlands and Belgium.
This book's title is translated as Inspiratie van de Engelen and was released in September 2016!

In August of 2016, I have written an article in the Dutch/Belgium Magazine Change. The title was Transformation!
The Dutch Magazine ParaVisie placed an interview from me in the September edition of 2016.

On September 16, 2016 Gail and I were guests on the Canadian radioshow The 'X' Zone with Ron McConnell, you can listen to our interview on YouTube.

In April of 2016, I started writing Weekly Affirmations in our Maudy Fowler Official Page Facebook.
It is posted from Sunday to Sunday.
It was brought to my attention that people see this as their weekly 'fortune cookie' I hope you will check it out it may help you get through the week.
Thank you Kelly for posting the Sunday thoughts!

Here's what we did in 2015!

Please check out our awesome interview with Roland Martin on TV NewsOneNow.

Click here to watch the interview.

The Topic was "The gift of being a Mystic"

We thank Roland Martin and TV NewsOneNow for making this great interview possible.

The interview aired on October 14, 2015

On October 21, 2015 we were guests on Roland Martin's radio show and it was so cool to have people call in with questions. Thank you all who were tuning in and allowed me to assist you. Again thank you Roland and staff for having us on!

BET Network did a taping with Damon Dash for the upcoming episode of Music Moguls. I was a guest in Damon's first show.

We will let you know when that will be aired.

I was also a guest on The Debut Of The Dame Dash Show which aired October 1, 2015 on WNCM Raleigh (NBC)

Thank you Damon for letting me be a part of your shows.

Damon Dash also taped the Angel Whispers trailer for Dash studios.
We will keep you posted about that development.

Check out our interview on January 29, 2014 with J.W. Najarian for On Purpose Magazine in Los Angeles, California.

"Angel Whisper’s Maudy Fowler Brings Messages of Hope and Healing."

Click here to read the interview.

Our interview in Los Angeles, California on February 5, 2014 with Stacia Gates for ArtQuench Magazine

ArtQuench Presents Maudy Fowler and Gail Hunt

"Maudy Fowler a Mystic Messenger who listens to the Whispers of Angels to assist those left behind here on earth."

Click here to read the interview.

We thank J.W. Najarian and Stacia Gates for the wonderful interviews helping us reaching so many more hearts and lifting their hardship!

We were back on LATalk Radio as guests on the show "Beyond Time Radio" with host Lisa Phoenix.

Taped on Friday, November 1, 2013 Lisa Phoenix and Mystic Messenger Maudy Fowler, discuss her book "Angel Whispers: Messages of Hope & Healing from Loved Ones"

Click here to listen to our interview with Lisa Phoenix

Thank you Lisa, for making this great interview possible!

Great Falls, Montana

KRTV Event Calendar - Seminar
Maudy & Gail had a morning Television interview with KRTV host Art Taft
Aired Wednesday June 26, 2013

Maudy & Gail Television interview aired on Tuesday June 25, 2013
KFBB Community Events Calendar Great Falls, Montana
with KFBB host Emily Scarlett
Do You Believe in Angels?
ABC 5's Emily Scarlett spoke with award winning authors,
Gail Hunt and Maudy Fowler, about their new book,
"Angel Whispers"

Thanks to Art Taft and Emily Scarlett for making the show interview possible.
Also special thank you to Barb Nielson and Lynn LaValley for connecting us.

Radio Show with Marla Maples

Live radio interview on "Awakening with Marla"
Taped on Friday June 7, 2013 at 9.00 am PDT, 12.00 pm EDT.
You can listen to this taping by going to Marla's radio archives and also 106.9 FM-HD3 in Seattle.

Check out NBC promo link in Seattle, WA

Toni & Griff Show!

You can listen to our radio interview recording on the Toni & Griff show.
This radio show was taped on Wednesday April 17, 2013
Listening to the show will lift your spirits higher and inspire you!
A show filled with joy and laughter, confirmation and affirmation.

Click here to read Meet Maudy the Mystic

Watch my interview in Holland on RTV EAST Show " By the way...." Monday September 9,2011

RTV Oost: En Dan Nog Even Dit 26-9-2011 17:21
RTV Oost TV Interview
26 sept 2011 RTV Oost menu ... Ook te gast is Maudy Fowler, die mensen advies geeft op basis van influisteringen die ze van engelen zegt te ...

On Wednesday September 28, 2011 interview for Astro TV SBS 6 in Holland

Click on Maudy Fowler's Facebook Fanclub to watch the interview with Sonia Pereira on Astro TV

ParaVisie Award 2008 Internationaal boek van het Jaar Hemelse boodschappen van Maudy Fowler en Gail Hunt Violette. Over de boodschappen die ze van engelen en gidsen ontvangt.Deepak Chopra en Dr.Wayne Dyer waren ook in deze catagorie.

Maudy and Gail are Award winning Authors! ParaVisie Award 2008 The Dutch Magazine ParaVisie elected our book Hemelse Boodschappen, translated from the original book Mystic Messenger, as Best International and inspirational Book of the year. There were three people nominated in this catagory,Maudy & Gail, Deepak Chopra and Dr.Wayne Dyer. Maudy & Gail won!

Our thanks again to Jon Wilson and everybody who listened and called in.